Tuesday, January 18, 2011

6-12 months

In an attempt to beat the winter blues coupled with having a new babe, a friend and I joined a swimming class. This class is called babyfit and it is basically aquafit with your babe in the water with you.They heat that pool like you wouldn't believe for the little ones, and for the most part they seem to enjoy it.

Now this class is for an hour. Monroe has as of yet to make it past 30 minutes. He has been getting up after repeated snacks from me during the night, in the later morning (meaning he sleeps a later then 7 am, but gets up every 2-3-4 hours). So when I get him up for this swim class I am breaking some of my own rules, such as don't ever wake a sleeping babe.

For times sake though, I wait until the last possible moment to get him up (the groggy snuggles I get are so freaking precious). We then rush through breastfeeding and today he had soaked through hid diaper, so I did not have quite enough time to fully change and feed him. So off we went in a flurry, we got in the water and he seemed to enjoy himself for about 20 minutes. Then I nursed him at the side of the pool on a bench they have. This totally calmed him down and we then tried rejoining the class but he was exhausted by this point, as of lately he's been able to stay awake for anywhere from 45-2 hours depending on who knows what so today well he was ready for a nap asap. So we went into the baby pool and snuggled (its even warmer in there), while we waited for our friend and here babe to finish up the class and then we'd carpool back home.

Monroe in a size 6-12 month if you need to know :)

Last week and this week some of the other moms and their babes ended up with us in the little pool. Last week a mom inquired about Monroe's age, commented on his size and then questioned what size clothing he was fitting into and his weight. We survived, got through that and I figured this week maybe we could move on and small chat about something else. Oh no, not only did the same mom comment on how tiny he was yet again, she advised another mom of his size, age and weight and then they both talked about how sweet he was. I promptly got the heck out of that pool and went and had a nice warm shower with roe while we waited for our friend to be done with her little one.

What is it that makes us feel better about commenting on the size of a babe when ours differs? Her child was quite substantial in size and let me tell you I had NO URGE to say "Wow, what a Huge baby you've got." because nobody needs to hear that crap. As mothers we should encourage and support one another and really think through what we say to one another.

 If our babes are content and having their needs met what more can we do?

I am dreading next week and thinking we may just skip out on the after baby pool part and go have our own nice little warm shower. Instead of me leaving riled up and feeling like a failure for the third week in a row.


  1. as a mama of HUGE babies (my kids were like balls with arms and legs) i always felt like i missed out on the itty bitty baby stage and would make comments to mum's of smaller babies (never to other mum's though! eek!) maybe those mum's feel they missed the tiny baby stage as well and are possibly envious of you for getting to use the smaller size clothing for longer? either that or their just rude lol. Either way you're doing great! keep it up!

  2. Just let it go... I always get/got tons of comments on Kenz and Cole's sizes because they were/are tiny... and honestly it's never bothered me in the slightest. why give up something you enjoy just because someone says something about his size. If the moms went on to talk about how sweet he is, why would you take offense? Just seems like your over-reacting a bit...
