It's been a bit since my last post. That is because our world got turned upside down and right now I'd say we're halfway to it being full righted.
Our situation was very similar to many families with a babe under one in Canada. I was staying at home with our babe and the hubs was our sole income (my mat leave expired in January). We had budgeted and given up many things and worked hard to be able to allow our son his first year at home with his mama.
and then...
My husband after nearly 4 years with a company, was let go.
No reason given, just advised that they were re-structuring.
We were given roughly 7 weeks severance. 7 weeks. That is it.
Cue breakdown on my part, him reassuring me things would work out, and so far they've been righting themselves rapidly. You see he'd been interviewing for a new job a week before this little bombshell. We were unsure of whether or not to take it, as it involved a big move. Than our decision was made for us. Very straightforward. So we called the interview company up, Paul landed the job within 3 business days and then the craziness began.
So begin home reno hell. 3.5 weeks of non-stop home renos. We still have a tiny bit to do, but we're so very close. Then we have to sell this place and move on.
You see we'd finally become content with our lives where we live, we'd up-rooted ourselves 4 years ago and it had taken about 3.5 years to become content with everything. Being away from our family, friends and making new ones has taken time, but we did it. Ironically now we're moving back to the area we left 4 years ago.
We feel a bit conflicted, but things seem to be so utterly laid out.
Cue the single parenting glitch.
The new job is 2 hours away from our current home.
Paul started this past Monday.
Meaning me and Monroe and Decker are alone together. Solo. I've never done this for more then a night on my own. Seriously, if he'd be away I'd usually plan to go see my mom, or a friend for the night; Identifying that me being alone and stressed out might not be the best solution.
It's been 3 nights and 2.5 days and surprisingly to me, we're doing okay. I did manage to ruin a load of Monroe's clothing yesterday by putting in a new beach towel (duh.). So far that is our only casualty.
To the single moms and dads full-time out there. You are amazing. Truly.
So that's our little update.
Monroe tried to quit nursing again and this time even with my meds, he's not going back on. I am feeling a lot more calm this time around then the strike he attempted before. That time he went back on once my supply upped after about a week and a half. This time it has been about the same and he is showing no interest. I am pumping and just giving him what I can via bottle. he is almost 11 months and I feel that I've truly tried everything. I feel like this time it is not a supply issue but more an exploration issue. He wants to venture out and being attached to me makes that tough.
That's all folks.
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