Because we've been settling in, and we love it here. We love having double the space we love the way Monroe runs from room to room with a random object (clothespin, raisin, truck, dog collar etc.) screaming with happiness, you can literally see the joy on his face. Then upstairs his room holds another batch of goodies for him to play with.
I think one of my most favorite things about Monroe at this age is the way he just wants things that fit perfectly in his palm, baby powder bottle, wooden cylinder block things (which are also drum sticks as daddy showed him), toothbrush, bath toys, shoes, nail polish bottles, boxes of raisins...
This stage of his development is amazing, my stage of development as a mama has grown exponentially. Seeing him 'draw' with his crayons, hearing his words, his sounds his "tank-ew" when we give him anything, and when he'll randomly say "your welcome" after giving you something. I never thought he'd pick up on manners this quickly, but he did and we love it, and its adorable (and this post is totally gonna be a mama gushing one...). Watching him say more while signing please (more, please?) and the quizzical look that follows from him. The way he responds in a melody of words and gibberish when you say anything with a questionable intonation to it.
I love it. LOVE. Seriously and I never thought I'd be one to write a whole post on how much i love toddler linguistics, but I do. Oh and the way when he is playing drops everything rushes over to me with lips puckered and a big audible "mmmhmmmm!" and the promptly returns to playing, just needing a little loving from mama, well you could melt anyone's heart with that sweetness.
I've been working a little bit, in October and November it was 4-6 days a week and now its anywhere form none to 2-3 a week, which is fine with me. It gives me a breather when needed and lots of 1:1 time with my tiny man, and allows for him to spend time with he Aunt Jackie at daycare at here place.
Monroe has been getting much more consistent with his sleep habits and man does sleep make you a nicer person. Maybe it's just me then? No, I didn't think so.
This brings Paul and I to a point in our lives where we're loving it. Everything. We are so blessed. He sent me close to the cutest text ever saying "I like where we're at. I love you" this week and I couldn't agree more. Not having house renos, having a sleeping babe who is such a joy daily, having a supportive, kind and loving spouse. These are the things that make up life and living for us.
Thats pretty much it right now, we're happy, we're content and so thankful. There re tough days, but we're sorting out better ways of managing and coping with them day by day :)